

Subject: How to be insanely confident

Hey, picture this...

You arrive at a party. When you
walk in the room, EVERYONE stops and stares for a
second, before crowding around you to talk.

Everyone wants a piece of you; you're the
center of attention. When you speak, people LISTEN.

They cling to your every word. You crack
jokes effortlessly, and people find you funny...
irresistible... and strangely magnetic.

Members of the opposite sex can't help being
around you. Everyone wants to be your friend...
to seek your advice... to indulge in your
stories. You're strong, attractive, confident,
radiating power and respect.

You're the top of the food chain— the alpha
personality that everyone loves and adores
(and is secretly jealous of).

If that describes you, great — you're well
aware of how this rare ability affords you an
incredible lifestyle, fun and thrilling
social encounters, and opens doors to career
opportunities closed off to the general public.

But if that's NOT you, listen up... because you're
seriously missing out. And what's more, you
can be that person, almost immediately.

In fact, if you're the type who shies away in
the corner... avoids social confrontation...
can't stand being the center of attention (but
would love to)... and is SCARED TO DEATH at
the thought of standing up and speaking in
front of a crowd of people... I can turn you
into the most confident person in the room.

See, the reason you're shy and introverted isn't
because you're any less social, humorous,
intelligent or charismatic than others. Many
confident people aren't smart or charismatic
at all... they just don't fear what other
people think of them.

As a child, you were conditioned to keep your
mouth shut (Ever been told by your parents "Don't
talk to strangers?".). You were ordered to obey
authority figures like parents, teachers,
adults. As a grown-up, this "learned" behaviour
is like a knife to your confidence... and is
no longer relevant to your life.

It's time to shake it off.

The good news is, you can completely *reverse*
the conditioning that's no longer valuable in
your adult life... in just minutes. It's quick,
effortless, requires zero practice, and works
even if you don't think it will.

That's because, I have access to a powerful
hypnosis CD that targets your negative ego, and
re-programs your mind to immediately enjoy
greater confidence.

It's called "Extrovert Me" and it has already
helped HUNDREDS of people kill confidence issues dead.

You can grab it instantly at:

There's only one catch-- with your new confidence,
you're going to enjoy some CRAZY social situations
that may freak you out at the start... and I want
you to e-mail me back and tell me all about them
when you do :-)

Your insider,


Law of Attraction not working?

Law of Attraction not working?
when manifesting doesn't work, try this...

I'm sure by now you've watched the
movie "The Secret", "What the Bleep"
and others like it... so why aren't
you already a master at manifesting?

I had to ask myself the same question.

I mean, if all this "Law of Attraction"
stuff really does work, then why doesn't
it work ALL the time? By calling it a Law,
doesn't that mean it should work every time?

It's almost like they didn't want you
to actually discover the REAL secret...

Even some of the key speakers in those
films have since gone public saying they
were taken out of context. Dr. Fred Alan
Wolf even went public saying that he does
NOT believe in the Law of Attraction, and
that the filmmakers used "pseudo-quantum
physics" to sell their idea!

So is it even really possible to create
your own reality or manifest your desires?

Or is all this just one BIG scam?

Actually, you really CAN manifest whatever
you want. There are TWO extra steps that
the mainstream movies conveniently leave out!

But when you use them, your life begins
to change in a way you've never imagined...

Learn These Two Extra Steps And Much More:

Forget what you've been told about the
Law of Attraction and Manifestation...

Instead, learn the REAL Science behind
manifestation without the mumbo-jumbo!

This is stuff you won't find ANYWHERE ELSE.

I highly recommend you check this out
and learn the WHOLE truth that has been
hidden from you... until now:




Flowers by Me

Hello and welcome to my flowers!
You can right click on any image and save to your computer to use for any purpose you like.I've included the hex# of the colors I've used for backgrounds but you can use whatever colors takes your fancy.All these flowers were made by me and it would be nice if you could mention where you got them from so others can enjoy them too.I have several image buttons (with copy/paste code for your website or blog)that you can link to me at the bottom of this post if you wish to use
that for you pages. I have a little purple linkbox to a Color Picker that you can use to test your background colors.to see.
Hope you like my flowers ! Keep coming back as I will be adding more flowers as I make them:-Plus some other surprises in store for you in the near future.
Thank you for visiting my page.LOVE Linni

Grab my Button!

m size=200x55

Grab my Button!

m size=320x88

Grab my Button!


Grab my Button!


Grab my url link if you prefer plain!

Rainbow Flowers by Me

Rainbow designs with more flowers that I spent the last few hours making but I thoroughly enjoyed it.Hope you can use these! they are all seamless and they look great as a tiled background or sidebar.The first one in the list is actually transparent but it doesn't show on the white bg of the frame I'm still trying to figure out how to change the bg color of the frame border so you can see the bg through the flower.I'm working on it.Linni

to see my background color picker link


Some Flowers by Me Tiles

Seamless Tiles
As you might have guessed I'm really addicted to making flowers now! must be the latent fairy in me coming out. I might invite them (the fairies that is) to my blog if they'll come.Hope you like these new ones some more seamless ones as well.

Here are some seamless backgrounds I made last night.I made some pastel ones as well as dark ones. It took me soooo long to get the squares right so when they tile you can't see where the join is. I hope I succeeded.Here is a minimized sample of 4 blocks to show you it is really seamless.

I tried those automatic programs that do it for you but I got even worse results so I did it all manually!I worked out that you can use the grid on the transparent background to line up the design then cut and paste onto a new layer etc. I may write a tut when I get the time but for now I prefer to make flowers.Hope you like the designs.Linni!

to see my background color picker link